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Things I Wish I Knew When I Was Younger

Things I Wish I Knew When I Was Younger

20 things I wish I knew when I was younger

1. Cull experiences over possessions.Research shows that a life filled with rich and varied experiences boosts happiness far more than than possessions do. The thrill of a new possession wears off quickly whereas experiences can be relived in your memory and develop your character in a positive way.

2. Respect should be earned. "Respect your elders" is so outdated. While it's true that older people oftentimes have fascinating stories to tell and much wisdom, this doesn't automatically entitle them to respect. Respect comes from treating others with respect and setting a good case, not feeling entitled to it. People in authority often abuse their positions therefore, it is prudent to guess every equally until they evidence their true grapheme. So y'all can assign the necessary respect, if applicable.

3. Others don't always know better/aren't better than you. Never assume that other people know more than you lot do. They might, but there are likewise many who are just practiced at selling themselves – the gift of the gab. They can talk merely they have picayune to dorsum information technology upward with. Don't be taken in by someone who tin can embellish but as very little real substance to dorsum up their verbal claims. I meet them all the fourth dimension, people who buy into their own nonsense and start believing it. They take a smidgen of truth and accident information technology upward to await much better than it actually is. Never be taken in. Real talent and knowing how to sell yourself are very different in their outcomes.

iv. Critical thinking is a vital survival tool. Is your opinion your ain or is it a re-hashed version of something someone else said or from something you lot saw on TV? Larn to question data and attempt to see all sides of an arguement before forming an opinion. The media very rarely present facts without their own estimation.

five. A Academy Degree doesn't automatically mean you will be rich. I used to think this was the case. So I met a guy who didn't even know where Zimbabwe was, nor could he tell the difference between "their" and "in that location" yet he was a multi-millionaire.He wasn't academic but he sure knew how to thrive in business. I also met a University Professor – incredibly clever just only earning £50 000,00 per year (approx $78 000,00). There you have information technology. Another good example: Richard Branson. Dyslexic and dropped out of school and look where he is now.

6. The apprehension is far worse than the bodily upshot. Why we put ourselves through mental torture, I'll never know. Nosotros worry obsessively about the upcoming chore interview, presentation or some other hereafter consequence. Nosotros imagine all sorts of awful and awkward scenarios and makes ourselves ill with anxiety n the process. Then when we become to the event itself, nosotros just get on with it and nine times out of ten, nosotros conclude that it wasn't half as bad as we had feared. Worrying ahead of time doesn't help, set up equally you must in a practical sense but when the "what if" thinking begins, distract yourself…remind yourself it'due south only your thoughts and gt dorsum to being in the present moment.

7. Anybody tin feel shy and experience cocky doubt/a confidence crunch. Yep, it's true..even supermodels and celebrities (often they are more than insecure than the average person!) experience self doubt and self loathing at times. Information technology's part of existence human. Learning to take and manage these naughty wayward  thoughts is far better than chirapsia yourself upward for feeling that way occasionally.

8. Circumspection sets in every bit nosotros become older. It's a funny thing, I expect at younger people at present and sometimes think to myself, what do they know nigh life? But then I remind myself that information technology was when I was in my early twenties that I did actually 'ballsy' stuff that I probably wouldn't accept the guts to do now (like applying for a chore in Belgium that was French speaking when I only knew about 5 words of French). There are strengths in all ages. Being older, I am more confident and self assured simply I exercise call back I am becoming more than cautious. It'southward a good idea to try stride out of your comfort zone in order to keep the caution in check.

ix. You cannot control others, all you can control is your behaviour/reactions to what others do. We spend a vast corporeality of time stressing over what someone said or did, thinking upwardly ways to gear up the situation for the better.We focus on how we tin can get them to do what nosotros desire and sometimes try to manipulate them. The truth is, this arroyo never works. Other people have their fashion of thinking and doing things. If you don't like information technology, you tin can either change your mental attitude to it or you can remove yourself from the situation. Believing that you tin get the other person to be more thoughtful, kinder, more appreciating, less bossy is a waste of time. Focus on your reactions, how you perceive things and know your from there. You cannot fix other people…that's their job.

10. Our didactics organization has many flaws and is non all it'southward cracked upwardly to be. Oh..where do I begin? Our current pedagogy organisation seems similar a mass encephalon washing factory. Kids are taught to accommodate and are kept in line past the fear of humiliation. Teachers know this and use embarrassment and singling out students for attention as a way to get them to do what is required. A negative organisation of punishment is still used…enforcing practiced manners and compliance through negative reinforcement (detention, removal of rights). Teachers allow the ability go to their heads and forget that off-the-cuff remarks may leaving lasting scars on cocky witting kids who only want to fit in. Many schools adopt a one-size-fits-all arroyo to education, riding barbarous over more vulnerable students who may larn in different means or have a trivial longer  to grasp a concept. Oh and if you accept dyslexia or dyspraxia (major 'buzzword' these days) and so yous volition most likely exist labelled stupid and grow up with self limiting behavior, believing the teacher who treated you lot like an imbecile. I last thing – the subjects that are taught need to be modernised. What about emotional intelligence, emotional well being, learning to bargain with rejection, failure and coping with uncertainty in life? The education organization creates fertile footing for immature people to believe that they must get a ix-5 task, work, become a alimony and so retire.I have rarely met a school kid who enjoys school, nosotros are teaching children that they accept to put upwards with twelve years of unhappiness.

11. Spend time with inspirational, positive people. You lot are the sum of the people you spend time with. They influence how you see the world and how yous make your goals.

12. Exist the aforementioned person, inside and out. People who are two-faced and gossip behind other people'south back end upward being trusted by no one. Say what you lot mean, be forthright and never modify your basic character to fit in with the company y'all're in. You will feel more confident and sure of yourself the more than you stay truthful to the existent y'all. Live with integrity.

13. Call back positively about the the world – it will get a self fulfilling prophecy. When we hold positive ideas about the world around united states of america, nosotros tend to expect for examples in existent life that confirm our thoughts. If nosotros harbour negative thoughts, we look for negative examples. Thinking positively about the world tin can allow happier things to enter. When we expect life to exist a certain way, we cease upward carving out that blazon of life. Believe in the basic goodness of people.

14. Relationships very rarely run smoothly. This doesn't mean they can't exist happy and fulfilling but well-nigh relationships become through ups and downs. Ii people with individual needs, different backgrounds and ideas need to compromise constantly and in that location needs to be a certain amount of tolerance. People who believe relationships should just chug along without whatsoever effort volition nearly likely end up single.

15. Learn to alive with and have uncertainty. We spend our lives resisting "what is". We wish information technology were different, we see ourselves as victims and arraign others. When we learn to accept the way life is and deal with the fact the dubiety is just a function of life, but like sleeping, we tend to fare better.

sixteen. No one can make yous feel inferior without your consent. In lodge for someone else to impact you by what they say and exercise, you demand to respect who they are. Why is information technology them that we worry about what strangers retrieve of u.s.? When we allow others to stifle our choices we are doing ourselves a  disservice. Drown out the 'noise' of others. Information technology dilutes your essence. Instead, tune in advisedly to your instinct and inner wisdom..follow that!

17. Yous teach people how to treat yous.Example: Your engagement turns up late. You say cypher. Your appointment will brand a mental note (most probable on an unconscious level) that you are easy going and that yous don't heed lateness. This may be true and it'due south good to pick your battles but if you do mind, speak upward.

eighteen. Your thoughts create your reality.If you believe y'all can't you are probably correct. When we focus on our self limiting beliefs we put upward mental barriers to success. Believe in possibilities and believe you tin can. Never fright failure – it shows yous are trying. Improve to try and fail than never try at all (the person who never tries is the ane sitting dorsum scoffing at your efforts every bit they fright y'all might succeed). Be a get-getter, not a nay-sayer.

nineteen.Love and have yourself.It starts with you. Love and cherish yourself and others volition follow your lead. Care for yourself as you would a best friend.

xx. Do some crazy stuff. Live dangerously. Accept some chances and risks. Life isn't a dress rehearsal, exit there and make certain you do any is on your wish list. Endeavor to do equally much  you tin can so every bit to avoid regrets later in life. Exist brave, and get adventurous. Life includes mishaps, mistakes, embarrassment, rejection and failure – just become on with it. Even if you make a fool of yourself…what'southward the big deal? Who will intendance a year from at present? It'll requite y'all something to laugh about – so get going and commencement embarrassing yourself…

Do y'all accept whatsoever nuggets of wisdom? What have you learned from your life experiences? Please share in the comments section.

Mandy X

Photo by vwynx

Things I Wish I Knew When I Was Younger

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